Plastics Team
The employees at WSW Plastics play a very important role in our continued
success. Most of our machine operators have experience in the plastic
field for at least 10 years. Their hard work, dedication, and pride in
making quality parts are a big reason for our success.
two supervisors, Anthony Wilson and Eddie Weadick, are the definition
of ‘multi-tasking’.
Besides the normal role of supervisor, they are also mechanics,
mold and color changers, quality inspectors,
and trouble-shooters. With a combined total of 40 years experience,
they have the facility's operations running smoothly and efficiently.
Our head mechanic, Bernie Pevear, is our MacGyver. With 50 years of
experience under his belt, Bernie can repair just about anything, which
keeps the machines running and the costs of having to go outside of the
company for any repairs down. He is truly an asset to the WSW Plastics

people responsible for starting WSW Plastics, LLC,
Steve and Nancy Wilson.
Not only do they own the business, but
it as well. They are extremely hands-on
with the company
and it is not
a rare
to see Steve helping to change a mold
or Nancy relieving
operators at lunch time.